My Mom Had Tired Looking Eyes

I wanted to get my mother a really nice gift for her birthday, but I had no idea what to buy. She is so hard to shop for, so I started spending more time with her about a month before her big day. I figured I would be able to find out what she really wants that way. It worked too, which is why I ended up booking her an appointment at an aesthetic medical clinic in Singapore. She had told me that she was sick and tired of looking so tired all of the time.

I honestly didn’t think she looked bad at all, but then again, she is my mom. She has always been beautiful to me. I know that we are always our own worst critics though, so I looked at her as much as I could with unbiased eyes. Continue reading “My Mom Had Tired Looking Eyes”

Organized stalking victims should avoid meeting new people

The best way to deal with organized stalking by indian intelligence and security agency employees is to recognize the fact that the person is being stalked, and take action accordingly.

The security and intelligence agencies are allegedly being paid Rs 8 lakh annually by google, tata and others directly and indirectly in the form of jobs for their relatives and friends with the stolen resume of their victim, so they have a vested interest in ensuring that the organized stalking victim is never happy, does not have friends, and cannot trust anyone.

Sooner or later, the new friends will be persuaded to betray, cheat and exploit, especially in goa, where powerful officials have been bribed with raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy relatives and friends like goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, gujju housewife naina, indore document robber veena and others.

It’s All About the Marvelous Location

When my wife suggested we look into New Futura as a place where we could live, I had a few problems with the proposal. Certainly I made enough money to move out of our previous place into something much better. I didn’t thing we could afford something like New Futura. What we have here is an amazing construction project that promises to be the toast of the town. Getting in here would be the crown jewel when announcing that you’ve finally made in this city. We couldn’t hope to find a better place to live than New Futura.

It’s almost like we were fated to find this amazing place to live. Our current abode worked well for many years, but our landlord decided to sell his property to some developers and that meant we only had a year or so to find a new place to live. It’s amazing that my wife got a promotion at the bank she works at while all of this was unfolding. Continue reading “It’s All About the Marvelous Location”

Status conscious NTRO employees continue to steal resume, savings, correspondence of google competitor they refuse to meet

In an example of Indian hypocrisy, dishonesty and lack of humanity , powerful fraud status conscious NTRO employees continue to steal resume, savings, correspondence of google competitor they refuse to meet or communicate in any way at all.

If they are so status conscious they should leave the google competitor alone, however led by the brahmin fraud puneet the ntro employee are like cruel greedy animals exploiting the google competitor to the maximum extent possible to make their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends rich and powerful, get them government salaries

So the cheater puneet falsely claims to know the google competitor very well, so that he can misuse her name, when he has refused to meet her since 2010 and encourages others like Vijay, parmar, patel, j Srinivasan to commit a similar fraud.

Diversion of phone calls, correspondence to R&AW/cbi employees to prevent meeting

One of the major problems faced by indian citizens subjected to identity theft by R&aw,cbi, ntro is that all their correspondence is diverted to the R&AW/cbi employees who are impersonating them, making it difficult to lead a normal life, meet any person
R&AW and cbi are wasting a lot of resources in diverting and stealing the correspondence of harmless hardworking indian citizens, just because they want to steal the resume for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced employees
They fail to realize that stealing the resume, will not have any great benefit for the organization, their employees will remain the same, lacking experience, work ethic, skills, which the victim had.
This denial of fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living without a legally valid reason to indian identity theft victims, open discrimination can lead to a lot of resentment from the private citizen

Fraud ntro employees refuse to meet google competitor whose resume, savings they have stolen

Selfishness and cruelty of fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, parmar,patel,vijay

The fraud ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, parmar,patel,vijay are aware of the fact that the google competitor would not have faced any fake cases, if they had not interfered in her life, falsely claiming to help her, and rewarded people who made fake allegations without any proof.
However in an indication of how selfish, greedy and cruel these ntro employees are, they refuse to acknowledge their mistake, compensate her in any way, return the stolen resume, investment, correspondence
These section 420 fraud ntro employees wish to continue their great online fraud of falsely claiming that their lazy cheater relatives and friends own the bank account of the google competitor so that these sex worker, cheater R&AW/cbi employees can get a monthly salary without doing any work and without investing any money

Male tourists enjoy erotic nights in Goa with call girls using websites

One of the most convenient and popular methods to meet call girls in goa are their websites. There are a large number of websites promoting the services of call girls and those interested in meeting call girls can either fill the contact form, send an sms or make a phone call to the number provided on the website. The pimp or broker for the call girl will then contact the customer, explain the terms and condition, and fix the date, time and place of meeting with the call girl if a deal is reached.

Indian men flock to goa to enjoy themselves as top officials in the government, intelligence and security agencies have a very liberal outlook towards sex tourism , and young women providing sex services to government employees allegedly hold senior intelligence positions in Goa with fake resumes, have great powers . In most places in India, the local community will take action against those providing sex services, however tourists visiting goa can enjoy Erotic Nights in the company of call girls in goa without facing any kind of harassment or censure. The phone number of call girls are sometimes listed in public places, however most men looking for call girls can contact the many websites online providing call girl services.

NTRO employee powerful parmar premika eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina and son attend meeting

update the kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, illegally married at 16, having a passionated extra marital affair with the fraud parmar, looks like actress sneha wagh and is india’s greatest domain fraudster

As the indian government blindly believes all the lies of NTRO employee powerful parmar , he has managed to get his premika eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons a lucrative cbi job falsely claiming that semiliterate housewife owns the domains of a google competitor, though parmar premika naina, has never operated a computer in her life and has never invested any money online.

On 10 November 2017, at around 4.40 pm premika eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina and son left their house in campal, panaji to attend a meeting. Due to the google, tata gift of cbi job with monthly salary with fake resume,fake investment, fake online work, naina is usually at home watching television, as no one questions her powerful boyfriend parmar for his lies.

The parmar premika was dressed in a new black white and pink outfit gifted by google, tata, wearing four gold earrings, and had her mangalsutra, necklace. She was carrying a dark brown bag with her. She did not return home more than 1.4 hours later. Any details of the meeting will be appreciated

How google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees are preventing the google competitor from meeting anyone

In a clear violation of the fundamental rights of an indian citizen, since 2010, google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, housewife extortionist riddhi nayak and others are holding the google competitor a virtual prisoner , after making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, and hysterically repeating the lies like parrots for more than 7 years wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process.

These cunning shameless lazy goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi are aware that they are extremely lazy, mediocre and it will be difficult for anyone to justify the powers, salary they are getting, if they use their own resume, investment

So they are wasting indian tax payer money to defame, the harmless google competitor and then falsely claim that they have the impressive resume, investment of the innocent harmless google competitor who they are defaming. To ensure that the google competitor does not get any justice, they are also not allowing anyone to contact her, and also not allowing her to contact anyone especially in goa.

For example the google competitor was told to meet a lawyer to get the problems resolved, however the goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees have blocked the phone calls to the lawyer, making it difficult to get an appointment and meet the lawyer.

I Found My Soulmate While Getting Ready to Move

I had been wanting to move to another country for many years, I suddenly found myself moving overseas permanently when I met a guy who is from England. I was hired on with a company in my new city rather quickly as an office assistant. I felt proud of myself, and I loved that I was trusted me to take care of many things in the office. The first thing I was in charge of was arranging an office Christmas party in Bristol for the entire staff. I worried that I might not pick the right place, but I found the perfect venue that suited the culture in our office well. Everyone was happy with my choice. I knew then that everything would be okay and I could handle anything they asked me to do.

I just got lucky when it came to falling in love with someone from Europe. I had been planning to move there on my own. I had been thinking of England because I already speak English. There were other countries I was interested in, but I knew that not being bilingual would cause a problem. Continue reading “I Found My Soulmate While Getting Ready to Move”