Indicating high levels of government online, financial fraud, slavery, digital arrest in the indian internet sector, Liar top government employees do not want to meet, do not want to give phone number to the single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka who they hate, yet are allowed to rob resume, data and make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater girlfriends like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, naina chandwani, which the government blindly believes to waste taxpayer money, paying all the frauds monthly government salaries, giving them great powers.
When the liar top government employees do not even want to give their phone number or interact with the engineer in any way for more than 14 years, why is the indian government allowing the well paid government employees to waste taxpayer money monitoring the harmless single woman engineer who they hate and do not wish to meet or contact.
Author: admin
Hackers wasting time to cause losses to harmless citizens they never met
Most of the blogs in the network are not updated, because the computers of the domain investor have been hacked for the last 3 months.
While the hackers are well paid, the domain investor, migrant from north karnataka is making great losses because of the online, financial fraud, slavery racket
After wasting time and money to get the SSD drive repaired, now the hackers are also hacking the keyboard.
The main reason why the desktop is preferred is because the typing speed is higher compared to android devices, yet the hackers are hacking almost every keyboard installed.
The domain investor is a private citizen who has never met or interacted with the hackers, yet they continue to harass her increasing her losses further, wasting their time and her time.
Bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet started the racket of denying information to the engineer he hated, did not want to meet
One of the best examples of the lack of professionalism in government agencies, is how Bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet and other liar top government employees have been allowed to waste crores of indian taxpayer money to monitor, cheat, exploit and rob a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka who he hated, for more than 14 years, without a court order or legally valid reason only faking friendship.
The cheater puneet did not want to interact or meet the engineer , yet he was allowed to rob her data, resume and get all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector in a major online, financial fraud, slavery racket and also deny her the information she required.
Government employees allowed to fake friendship with a person they do not want to meet
One of the examples of government incompetence/inefficiency is how they are allowed to fake friendship with a harmless private citizen, who they hate, do not want to meet and waste taxpayer money monitoring the private citizen for more than 14 years.
If a person is really a friend, they will contact at least once in a year or few years, and meet if they live in the same city or town.
Yet showing how government employees are being allowed to waste taxpayer money for personal hatred, since 2010, at least 5-6 powerful top government employees have been allowed to waste taxpayer money to monitor their female engineering classmate who they actually hate, mainly to rob her data for resume robbery purposes.
Visiting a city after 35 years to meet senior citizen
One of the biggest frauds of some government agencies is how crores of taxpayer money has been wasted since 2010 to monitor a harmless private citizen who top government employees hate and fake friendship with.
If a person wishes they can usually meet anyone even if they have not visited the city anytime or more than 30 years. Though the engineer, domain investor is almost completely isolated wasting a lot of taxpayer money since 2010, she could still meet a senior citizen in bengaluru, visiting the city for the first time after 35 years.
The city has changed , the engineer did not know the local language or almost anyone locally, yet she found her way. This exposes the fake friendship, fake team of top government employees who hate her, are not interested in meeting her, yet are allowed to waste crores of taxpayer money monitoring her, robbing her data, and misusing her name to get all their girlfriends and associates great powers, monthly government salary.
Romance scammer top government employees allowed to rob resume, data of single woman who they hate, do not want to meet
One of the biggest online, financial fraud, slavery rackets is how Romance scammer top government employees are allowed to rob resume, data of single woman who they hate, do not want to meet to get their lazy greedy real girlfriends, associates, no work, no investment jobs in the internet sector since 2010.
The government agencies falsely claim that the Romance scammer top government employees are friendly with or having a relationship with the single woman whose resume, data they are robbing, though it can be legally proved that the resume robber government employees have never contacted the single woman engineer who they hate, and are also not interested in meeting her in future
India claims that all citizens have equal rights, so why are the well paid liar top government employees allowed to rob the data, resume of the single woman who they hate, do not want to meet to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends lucrative government jobs with robbed resumes.
When no one met or called the domain investor, the FAKE FRIENDSHIP to prevent meeting racket was exposed
Usually when a parent dies, the friends and relatives of the children will contact to offer condolences. Since 2010, the government agencies have targetting the domain investor, single woman engineer for RESUME ROBBERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, falsely claiming that well paid LIAR government employees who hated her, were paying all the expenses, doing all the computer work.
In april 2024, when the father of the domain investor passed away, very few people called the domain investor who has been isolated for more than 14 years, they were not government employees exposing the FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of the cunning cheater top government employees who actually hated her, yet faked friendship so that they could cheat, exploit, rob and torture her to the maximum extent possible without a legally valid reason.
It appears that in april, when questioned, the liar top government employees openly expressed their HATRED for the domain investor and that panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel was their real girlfriend to whom they diverted all the correspondence,opportunities of the single woman engineer who they hated
Being extremely cunning cruel cheaters, the liar top government employees led by cheater puneet wanted to isolate the single woman engineer they HATED, to deny opportunities, destroy her life and reputation, so they FAKED FRIENDSHIP to divert all her correspondence to their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, so that the domain investor could not meet anyone or get any kind of help.
FAKING friendship, LIAR CUNNING CHEATER top government employees prevented domain investor they HATED from meeting anyone for 14 years
FAKING friendship, LIAR CUNNING CHEATER top government employees led by the bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, prevented domain investor, single woman engineer, they HATED from meeting anyone for 14 years
Though they actually did everything to destroy the life of the single woman engineer they HATED, being extremely cunning cheaters they pretended they were trying to help the single woman engineer, prevent fake cases, diverting all the correspondence of the single woman, to their lazy greedy real girlfriends goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who ran an extortion racket
The cunning cheater government employees also ran a massive SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD racket on the single woman engineer, so that they wanted to keep her isolated, so that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates could continue to get monthly government salaries, great powers, faking domain ownership, bank account, their resume, savings.
Travel to meet senior citizens, relatives
Government agencies are always trying to rob the resume, savings of older bhandari professionals, investors especially engineers with good JEE rank, spreading fake rumors that the money will be misused, the harmless professional will be a security threat.
The professionals are private citizens, who do not get any pension other compensation, their savings will be the only source of income which they have to pay their daily expenses in their old age.
Additionally the professionals also have aged relatives, who have no one else to take care, spend time with them. So the professional will have to spend time visiting them periodically spending money on airfare, travel expenses, which professional will have to spend from their savings.
So it time that the liar indian tech, internet companies, government agencies end their extortion racket, financial fraud of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree and others.
Denial of board pass extremely inconvenient for those who travel to attend meetings
While some airline staff may deny passengers their boarding pass giving flimsy excuses to cover up to cover up the fraud of the domain ownership, FINANCIAL fraud of panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees.
though panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan now married to a goan gsb photographer has never done any computer work, never paid for domains, expenses like her fraud powerful lovers especially j srinivasan (roll no. 436)from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay , just because brahmin cheater liar top government employee j srinivasan,puneet falsely claim that sunaina their favorite CALL GIRL, twenty years junior was their btech 1993 ee classmate,the indian government blindly believes the lies to give panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer who has studied for a btech 1993 ee degree and whose data is robbed to make fake claims about panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees like haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena
The fact is that the denial of boarding pass is causing great hardship and waste of money for the passenger
In addition to wasting the ticket fare of Rs 4375 for a mumbai goa ticket booked on air india AI-663, the traveler is also losing Rs 440 for reaching the airport and then going back home when denied a boarding pass
If the passenger has booked a return ticket, the ticket has to be cancelled or alternate mode transport arranged
Most people are travelling if they have some specific work, like business meeting or property maintenance, and the time available for doing the work is greatly reduced, if an alternate mode of transport is arranged
So while denying a boarding pass giving flimsy excuses may appear convenient, airline staff should be aware that it causes great hardship, and could lead to negative reviews of the airline by the passenger who is losing a lot of money and time.