Category: Uncategorized

With widespread surveillance, people are preferring lakeside meetings

In the last few years, surveillance devices are being widely used, and any enclosed area is likely to be tapped using small spy cameras or voice recorders.
So increasingly people are using public places to meet people and discuss issues
Entry to gardens is usually regulated
So the lakeside is becoming very popular for meeting people
Since people are coming and going, no one is placing any tapping or spy devices. it is also outdoors, so gadgets will get damaged

Unlike coffee shops, there is no waiter or anyone harassing, people can spend any amount of time without spending any money.

A Christmas Aerial Show is Amazing

We have hired a number of people in the past year, which meant that we had to move our Christmas party to a bigger venue. I always use the same company that provides Christmas entertainment in London, so I called up my contact there and told her what I needed. I explained that we needed a venue that would seat at least 120 more people, and she was able to get me the perfect venue for the party that all of our employees look forward to all year long.

I was really excited by this venue because she told me that we could actually have the aerial silk performers at this one. The venue we had always used was just not feasible for it, but she knew how much I had liked watching the videos of the aerialists that they have. She told me that they have worked at this venue in the past, and I could have either one in the center, or I could have two up on opposite ends of the stage. She directed me to two videos so I could see each one. Continue reading “A Christmas Aerial Show is Amazing”

Businesses Can Leverage Existing Data to Increase Profits

read the info

One of the biggest challenges founders of a company face is how to become profitable. In capitalist societies the incentive to create a business is great. Unfortunately, most people will fail to ever become profitable and will end up losing a lot of time and money trying. Statistically only two out of every ten new businesses will succeed. With odds like those it’s a wonder even the most ambitious take the risk at all. Winners in the marketplace having been focused on finding a way to be profitable will often fail to see the data value generated naturally from customers or clients as a part of operating their profitable business.

Big companies usually have high numbers of customers or clients, all of whom interact in various ways, to varying degree. They may interact through point-of-sale systems, swiping credit cards, or they may interact through online portals. In all these cases some record of the interaction is logged, and it’s here businesses often overlook the fact the collected data can be used to increase profits.

Continue reading “Businesses Can Leverage Existing Data to Increase Profits”

Meeting people can increase the risk of getting infectious diseases


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One of the reasons why the domain investor prefers to work at home and not meet people, is because, meeting people, can greatly increase the possibility of getting an illness like cough or cold

Due to ruthless robbery of goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, in panaji, goa for the last 7 years, the domain investor does not meet anyone in goa, except for exhibitions and the office she visits
Most of the private offices in goa have airconditioning, and when the domain investor visited some offices in June 2019 regarding her investment, she noticed that the lady staff in both the offices had a very severe cold
Additionally the eyes of one employee were also watering, still she was doing her work.
The infection could spread to the other staff in the office .The office visits also indicates the risk of meeting people, they may spread infections. Indian politicians meet a lot of people, it is very surprising that they do not fall ill, since many of the them are not in good health.

The domain investor was very worried that she would also get the cold,so she drank a lot of green tea and took many pills to boost her immunity, She also did not do any stressful work intentionally, because stress levels reduce immunity. Getting a cold is very risky now at this age, since she takes a longer time to recover.

Panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro cannot provide proof of meeeting the goa 1989 jee topper, yet makes fake claims about her resume, savings

The professional company passportphotonow provides all the information on passport photos london.

Most people have the humanity and honesty not to falsely claim to be associated with a person they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME and have never interacted with or met.
yet indicating the widespread rot in panaji, goan society and government , the goa government is involved in a massive EDUCATIONAL, financial fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, FALSELY linking panaji greedy gsb housewife ruthless ROBBER riddhi nayak caro with her to deny the single woman engineer, the income and opportunities the engineer deserved and rob the correspondence of the engineer for eight years
Additionally riddhi nayak caro and others are also involved in a financial, educational fraud on the engineer falsely claiming to own the bank, paypal account, credit card of the engineer when actually robber riddhi does no computer work, did not study engineering and has not invested any money online
Any help to end the fraud of the goa government which is falsely associating call girls, robbers, and other frauds with the goa 1989 jee topper to deny the engineer, the income, opportunities she deserved will be appreciated.
when panaji housewife robber riddhi does not want to meet the engineer why is she falsely claiming to own the single woman’s bank account, credit card?

Spring Cleaning Can Be Hard

I have a week off from my job every April and this year I decided that it would be the year where I would actually do a lot of spring cleaning and get the house ready for the warm weather. I knew that it was going to be a good time for me to go and get some cleaning products so that I would be able to just stay home and clean around in the old pajamas that I plan on wearing most of the week.I have to go through my closet and look at leather bags and old clothing that I have not worn in a while. I am also planning on cooking different things for my meal planning and I want to be able to get some stuff done around my house. I really hope that things will be working out for me as far as my week off with the weather.

I would really like to take out all of the screens and go around the house and actually clean the in and the outside windows. It really bothers me to see the streaks from the snow and the dirt of the winter that has blown up onto the house. There are a lot of people that will get a company to come to their house and power wash it because it could get discolored with the winter and since we have a lot of snow we can always find dirt and other types of things like salt that can get blown up onto the siding of the house. It is a really good ideal to have a hose on your house in the spring, if that is the very least thing that you are going to do. I have my husband power wash it all and get it done early.

Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan’s threat of violence makes it difficult to meet people

In India, working in tech and internet sector is extremely risky because companies like google, tata are some of the greatest frauds and liars in the world, falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan call girls they supply to NTRO employees for sex like goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, a call girl are online experts, domain investors to get the call girls, great powers, monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED by the LIAR CHEATER PIMP google, tata employees since 2010.

Pampered and rewarded by fraud companies like google, tata, powerful sugar daddies in ntro like j srinivasan, puneet j ,Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan has become extremely arrogant and has threatened the engineer, domain investor whose identity she stole to get a monthly raw salary, that she will “bash up” if she will spot the engineer in a public place in panaji on March 28, 2019. While issuing the threat, it was obvious that the R&AW employee sunaina hated the engineer a lot and was willing to do anything to cause her harm.

So now the engineer will have to be very careful while meeting people, because Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan or her associates may attack her without any provocation, because she hates the engineer. This also exposes the ruthlessness of the sundar pichai led google, when 9 years of criminal defamation, identity theft, banking fraud have failed, now google associates like sunaina chodan, are threatening physical violence against the harmless hardworking single woman engineer

I Needed to Install a Security System

When I was growing up, I never gave a second thought to security. I lived in a safe town where everyone knew each other and looked out for one another. All of us kids knew we could depend on no less than dozens of adults if we needed something. Today, I wish I could say the same for the world my children are growing up in, but I cannot. It is a very dangerous place, and that is why I finally decided to look at Hikvision CCTV kits. I had been living in my bubble for too long, and I knew that it was time to finally do something about it.

I did not like the idea of having to do something like this. Continue reading “I Needed to Install a Security System”

Noisy meeting of bankers as PNB bank fraud is exposed

Studying at the universidad politecnica salesiana

telephone readings

One of the main reason why the PNB $1.7 billion dollar fraud was undetected for more than 7 years, is because the top NTRo,raw, cbi employees are too busy with identity theft rackets, allegedly bribed by google,tata to get their mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced relatives, friends, sex partners, top indian intelligence jobs with the stolen resume of harmless honest hardworking indian citizens, especially engineers and paypal account holders to detect and prevent financial frauds.

Just like bank employee gokul nath shetty abused his powers as a senior official to manipulate the system for personal gain without being detected, the top ntro, raw, cbi employees are also manipulating the system in intelligence and security agencies to defame, cheat and exploit harmless indian citizens, like domain investors, making fake allegations of black money, being a security threat, money laundering without any legally valid reason for more than 8 years, to defend their IDENTITY THEFT RACKET

However there is more transparency in the indian banking sector, compared to the indian intelligence and security agencies who are allowed to cover up their endless frauds, with their completely fake stories of national security. So as the PNB fraud became apparent, a meeting of all the bankers who were affected was called , and according to reports in the economic times, it was a very noisy meeting as the other banks were upset that they were duped

Security and intelligence agency employees in goa, will never have the courage to meet the engineer they have defamed

Goa is one of the worst states in India for doing business because the many of the security and intelligence agencies are liars, who will shamelessly lie, spread false rumors if bribed to do so by fraud companies like google, tata.

The domain investor is a victim of a major real estate, banking and online fraud in goa since 2010, with liar raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her house, bank account, have her resume, savings to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, engineer with the help of fraud intelligence and security agency employees

Hence the engineer is confident that the liar Security and intelligence agency employees in goa, will never have the courage to meet the engineer they have defamed , because they do not have the honesty and humanity to defend their endless lies defaming her for more than 9 years.