In massive FINANCIAL fraud, CBI cannot prove that its GREEDY LAZY employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro ever met the single woman domain investor who robber riddhi impersonates, robs

There is no connection at all between the google, tata sponsored cbi employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange and the single woman domain investor, who is an experienced engineer from a top college. Panaji robber housewife riddhi nayak caro, has never interacted with the engineer, the engineer does not know riddhi nayak caro’S CONTACT DETAILS, and she can also legally prove that there is no connection at all between the engineer and the various raw/cbi employees for the last ten years

while riddhi, her fraud powerful father nayak, husband caro and others in goa security agencies have criminally defamed the harmless single woman engineer in the worst manner, spreading false rumors, they have no proof against the engineer, to file any case under the IPC , so the engineer is not obliged to them in any way. The engineer is and was a harmless citizen, mostly at home.

The engineer also lived in mumbai for 21 years, the security agencies did not spread false rumors without any legally valid proof that she was involved in illegal activities like the LIAR goan security agencies led by nayak, caro, mandrekar , goan bhandari pritesh chodankar have done in the last 8 years

Yet in a massive FINANCIAL,TIME, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, cbi, ntro, raw, goan and indian government are falsely associating the GREEDY LAZY FRAUD cbi employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro with harmless single woman investor to deny the domain investor, engineer the income and opportunities she deserved for the last 9 years