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when engineers ex colleagues invite her home, why are fraud ntro employees who have not contacted her allowed to steal her identity

One of the greatest ironies of the indian government is how it has launched startup india and other programs with great fanfare, while the indian intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in stealing the identity of small business owners for google, tata sponsored call girls, robbers, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs, while holding the small business owner a virtual prisoner.

Despite the extremely vicious defamation, fraud of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, the ex colleagues of the domain investor, engineer still treat her with courtesy and have invited her home, while the fraud ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil, puneet, j srinivasan, vijay , patel, and their lazy fraud girlfriends who they got raw/cbi jobs like school dropout naina, call girls sunaina, siddhi, riddhi nayak, veena, deepika, ruchika,nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, and others are not on talking terms with the engineer.

The engineer has tried very hard to get a reply from nayanshree hathwar, ruchika, however both were ruthless frauds, and refused to reply to her after looting her. Earlier also most people treated the engineer with respect, only the fraud ntro employees, their girlfriends and associates like school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s lazy greedy fraud liar sons nikhil, karan do not treat the engineer with respect, they have openly indicated that they consider the engineer to be very low status. If the ntro employees really wanted to meet her, they could in 9 years , then why are using her resume,.

So the engineer would like to ask the state and central government, on what basis are R&AW/cbi falsely claiming that their sex worker, cheater housewife, school dropout, fraud, robber employees have her resume, savings when she has not interacted or met the ntro employees for more than 25 years, and in most cases, never in her life. Working in the indian internet sector is no longer lucrative for the engineer whose identity is stolen repeatedly

When they do not wish to meet the engineer, why are the fraud liar ntro employees interfering in the life of the engineer, why are they not using the real resume,savings of their real sex worker, cheater housewife, robber, school dropout girlfriends, who they have got raw/cbi jobs.

Fake panaji plant buyer on OLX insisting on meeting

OLX is becoming a very dangerous website, those responding to ads appear to be connected to criminal groups
For example in September one ms elina from panaji had responded to the ad, and said that she was interested in purchasing two plants. The domain investor had taken a lot of time to prepare the invoice and send it . The domain investor also wasted her time checking her phone daily, to find out if payment was made,
The invoice contained the home address, the domain investor did not get any payment, and the house was burgled and robbed

However there is no end to the frauds of ms elina, now she is responding to the same olx ad on, and asking for 5 plants. It clearly exposes how shameless panaji’s frauds are , that they think that their victim does not understand their criminal links and will believe their lies
This time, the domain investor decided to ignore the message of the panaji liar ms elina.

this exposes the main problem with panaji and goa’s liars and frauds, they think that the person who they have lied to , cheated will forget their lies and fraud, when in reality. those who are cheated or lied to to, do not forget and do not forgive

In goa, specifically panaji, no one is interested in working hard and making money, they only want to defame, cheat, lie, and exploit others to make quick money, and raw/cbi employees naina, sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak, siddhi are examples of this cheating tendency in goa. In mumbai most people are usually busy working hard to make money legally, they have no time to defame, cheat,, lie and exploit others , however in goa, no one is interested in doing any work they only want to cheat and exploit others, to make quick money

When google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina is meeting her boyfriend, why is tata, ntro falsely claiming that she is working on the computer

Many people in panaji, goa have noticed that google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan and her good looking boyfriend on dark grey scooter J8651 are inseparable for the last few months, they are spending most of their waking hours together , sunaina is usually meeting her boyfriend and enjoying herself.

yet in one of the greatest frauds of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, these powerful fraud liar government employees continue with their great online fraud of falsely claiming that the call girl raw employee offering sex services is working on the computer, to give her great powers, and a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer who is actually spending her time on the computer

When google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina is meeting her boyfriend, why are google, tata, ntro, falsely claiming that she is working on tthe computer, defaming the identity theft victim and engineer who is actually spending her time

The Jamal Khashoggi killing shows the risk of meeting people for a person with powerful enemies

Jamal Khashoggi was the nephew of one of richest men in the world, arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and was also very famous in the Arab world and elsewhere . Yet when he made the mistake of visiting the Saudi embassy, he was immediately killed, allegedly murdered within 7 minutes according to media reports.
His killers were aware that if they tried to kill him in the United states, or openly in Turkey which he visited the government would immediately take action against the killers leading to a major diplomatic row.
So when they found out that he would be visiting the saudi embassy in instanbul, they immediately sent a hit squad by a private jet

When Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi embassy, he thought that it was just a routine visit and told his fiancee to wait outside.
Allegedly he was immediately attacked, and then he realized that he was set up , and the killers were attacking him.
So he started screaming very loudly, and the killers cut his fingers first and then injected him with a drug to silence him before killing him and allegedly cutting his body into 15 parts within 7 minutes.Since they were aware that he would keep the appointment, so the killers were able to plan the attack in great detail and also disappear without being detected.

This exposes the danger and risk of giving any kind of appointment, especially if a person has very powerful enemies. The information could be leaked to the enemies who will be able to plan an attack or in some cases, even a murder.

Domain investor can legally prove that the NTRO employees who have stolen her identity have not met her in 25 years

In a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women in India, the domain investor, engineer, google competitor can legally prove that the cunning powerful ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay who have stolen her identity after faking their relationship with her to get raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends , have not interacted and met her for the last 25 years, they are all strangers to her.

She has not interacted with some of them anytime in her life, and she does not have any contact details of these ntro employees so there is no way she can interact with them in future also . Yet the indian and state governments in multiple states like goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, delhi, maharashtra are blindly repeating the complete lies of these powerful fraud ntro employees who are giving fake references of a btech 1993 ee degree to their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced girlfriends, in a clear indication of top level fraud of the state and central government

why are the indian and state governments allowing ntro employees to steal the identity of women engineers with a good JEE rank, who they hate, for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced sugar babies and get them raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

Indian government wastes taxpayer money, hiring women based on fraud ntro employees who steal identity of engineer they have never met

The indian government is openly exposing its incompetence, when it is wasting taxpayer money hiring women in raw/cbi faking a btech 1993 ee degree, based on the complete lies of ntro employees who falsely claim to know the engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree very well,when actually these fraud ntro employees have never interacted with the engineer for more than 25 years.

raw/cbi are so corrupt, that they do not even verify whether the ntro employees are telling the truth , they just repeat their lies, when the engineer can legally prove in a court of law, that the ntro employees are liars, who have never met her in the last 25 years

Earning Extra with Horse Races

I was in need of some extra money, but I didn’t want to take a second job. A friend of mine told me that I could make some good money from betting on National Hunt racing. This sounded like a huge risk to me, because I would be putting up my money for the chance of winning more money, and if I lost, I’d have even less money than when I started. Still, with how much my friend had been winning since he started betting, I was starting to like the idea of betting. Eventually I decided to make my first bet and hoped for the best.

Since my friend had a lot of experience with betting on horses, he helped me make my first bet. He had an entire system for looking at horses and determining which ones would perform well during a particular race. Continue reading “Earning Extra with Horse Races”

Delivery time, date for gas cylinder booked not indicated

One of the major problems faced by those having a gas cylinder is that the delivery time and date for the cylinder is not clearly specified.
So the person who has ordered a cylinder has to keep waiting for the cylinder to be delivered
This is very inconvenient for those who have a job , as they have to take leave, if they do not have anyone at home, to take delivery of the cylinder
For most jobs, the number of leaves a person can take in a year are limited
The gas website is only indicating the date till which the cylinder bookings are cleared, not the date of delivery.

Meeting people for selling low value items can be very time consuming and expensive

One of the problems selling on online classifieds in Goa, is that most people wish to meet personally and discuss the matter before making payment. However most people do not wish to meet strangers in their home, especially if one person is a woman.
So they have to meet at some other place.
Each of the persons in the meeting will have to spend time and often money to visit the place.
Travelling is expensive, even if the person has his own vehicle, diesel cost or is using low cost transport like buses.
So for a low value item costing Rs 100 or less , it is not feasible to meet the customer personally for making the sale, because time and money will be wasted. However buyers on classified websites in goa do not realize the problem, and insist on meeting.

Getting into the Deep End of Investing

The AIM companies have been a godsend for me. Through just a little investment, I’ve made a nice profit from them. Investing in companies isn’t something that I wanted to do at first because of crazy the market can be sometimes and I knew next to nothing about investing. In a way, it’s like learning to swim. You have to start off slow and stay in the shallow end of the water until you learn how to move and then you can venture to the deep end. Since I’ve been dealing with the market for a while, I better understand how to invest and what will make money.

I owe my friend for getting me into investing. Continue reading “Getting into the Deep End of Investing”