Mhow monster ntro employee puneet did not allow anyone meet, speak to the engineer he hated, so that he could defame her, get raw/cbi jobs for his CALL GIRL SUGAR BABIES

Anyone speaking to the engineer, domain investor realizes that she is well educated, since she speaks fluent english, on a wide range of topics

So to steal her identity and get raw/cbi salaries for the google,tata supplied SEX service providers, their relatives and other bribe givers, the google, tata, ntro employees led by the cunning LIAR mhow cheater puneet, started defaming her as an uneducated person, based only on her appearance, and lack of vehicle, ensuring that she does not meet or talk to anyone who is educated in goa
FAKING HELP, RELATIONSHIP the mhow monster ntro employee puneet isolated the engineer,ROBBING almost all her correspondence so that he could defame her as an uneducated person and get raw/cbi salaries for his SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, ROBBER, CHEATER SUGAR BABIES siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan without doing any work, without investing any money online, while defaming the engineer as an uneducated fool, involved in illegal activities

So when the FRAUD LIAR goan intelligence and security agencies went to the bank to block the payment to the domain investor who they criminally defamed for 10 years as an uneducated person, the bank staff who had interacted with her, told them that it was a legitimate business and gave the bank statement for verification, so that these fraud officials could find proof

On the other hand, though the goan and indian government is aggressively promoting the kolhapur born gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, as an experienced engineer, anyone meeting and speaking to the gujju sex queen naina will realize that she is not educated, since she cannot even speak fluent english, and for everyone question, naina will tell the person to her bespectacled balding husband, since he controls all aspects of her life

So the only services which the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan can get paid for, are housekeeping, wiping the floor, or sex services, and instead of being honest that naina is getting paid for her sex services, the indian government is falsely claiming that the sex service provider is an experienced engineer from a top college