Diversion of phone calls, correspondence to R&AW/cbi employees to prevent meeting

One of the major problems faced by indian citizens subjected to identity theft by R&aw,cbi, ntro is that all their correspondence is diverted to the R&AW/cbi employees who are impersonating them, making it difficult to lead a normal life, meet any person
R&AW and cbi are wasting a lot of resources in diverting and stealing the correspondence of harmless hardworking indian citizens, just because they want to steal the resume for their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced employees
They fail to realize that stealing the resume, will not have any great benefit for the organization, their employees will remain the same, lacking experience, work ethic, skills, which the victim had.
This denial of fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living without a legally valid reason to indian identity theft victims, open discrimination can lead to a lot of resentment from the private citizen