Author: admin

Since people will not meet those who issue death threats, raw employee sunaina chodan’s sister is using dog walking to issue death threats in panaji,goa


In panaji, goa, young goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan’s sister has perfected the art of using dogs to block people and issue death threats.

Usually it is difficult to meet a person and issue death threats, the phone call will be disconnected, a person will not let anyone hostile enter their house and they will also not go for any meeting if they suspect that the person is hostile

So sunaina’s sister is loitering on the road in panaji, goa, pretending to take the dog for a walk, while she is actually waiting to block the path and issue death threats to the domain investor who she hates
When sunaina’s hysterical sister spots the domain investor, she uses her dog to block the road, and then issues threats.
On 7 december 2019, R&AW employee sunaina’s sister was about to physically assault the domain investor, the domain investor told her that if she tried to even touch her, she would file a police complaint. She was also not letting the domain investor go away using her dog. Finally after ranting and issuing a death threat, the hysterical dog owner allowed the domain investor to leave

the domain investor is a peace loving citizen who does not harm or threaten anyone, yet the goa security agencies are falsely labelling the domain investor a security threat for the last 10 years to deny her fundamental rights, rob her correspondence. On the other hand, raw employee sunaina, and her sister are issuing death and violence threats repeatedly in panaji, goa against the domain investor , yet no action is taken against them at all.

Mhow monster ntro employee puneet did not allow anyone meet, speak to the engineer he hated, so that he could defame her, get raw/cbi jobs for his CALL GIRL SUGAR BABIES

Anyone speaking to the engineer, domain investor realizes that she is well educated, since she speaks fluent english, on a wide range of topics

So to steal her identity and get raw/cbi salaries for the google,tata supplied SEX service providers, their relatives and other bribe givers, the google, tata, ntro employees led by the cunning LIAR mhow cheater puneet, started defaming her as an uneducated person, based only on her appearance, and lack of vehicle, ensuring that she does not meet or talk to anyone who is educated in goa
FAKING HELP, RELATIONSHIP the mhow monster ntro employee puneet isolated the engineer,ROBBING almost all her correspondence so that he could defame her as an uneducated person and get raw/cbi salaries for his SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, ROBBER, CHEATER SUGAR BABIES siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan without doing any work, without investing any money online, while defaming the engineer as an uneducated fool, involved in illegal activities

So when the FRAUD LIAR goan intelligence and security agencies went to the bank to block the payment to the domain investor who they criminally defamed for 10 years as an uneducated person, the bank staff who had interacted with her, told them that it was a legitimate business and gave the bank statement for verification, so that these fraud officials could find proof

On the other hand, though the goan and indian government is aggressively promoting the kolhapur born gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, as an experienced engineer, anyone meeting and speaking to the gujju sex queen naina will realize that she is not educated, since she cannot even speak fluent english, and for everyone question, naina will tell the person to her bespectacled balding husband, since he controls all aspects of her life

So the only services which the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan can get paid for, are housekeeping, wiping the floor, or sex services, and instead of being honest that naina is getting paid for her sex services, the indian government is falsely claiming that the sex service provider is an experienced engineer from a top college

With widespread surveillance, people are preferring lakeside meetings

In the last few years, surveillance devices are being widely used, and any enclosed area is likely to be tapped using small spy cameras or voice recorders.
So increasingly people are using public places to meet people and discuss issues
Entry to gardens is usually regulated
So the lakeside is becoming very popular for meeting people
Since people are coming and going, no one is placing any tapping or spy devices. it is also outdoors, so gadgets will get damaged

Unlike coffee shops, there is no waiter or anyone harassing, people can spend any amount of time without spending any money.

Meeting people can increase the risk of getting infectious diseases


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One of the reasons why the domain investor prefers to work at home and not meet people, is because, meeting people, can greatly increase the possibility of getting an illness like cough or cold

Due to ruthless robbery of goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, in panaji, goa for the last 7 years, the domain investor does not meet anyone in goa, except for exhibitions and the office she visits
Most of the private offices in goa have airconditioning, and when the domain investor visited some offices in June 2019 regarding her investment, she noticed that the lady staff in both the offices had a very severe cold
Additionally the eyes of one employee were also watering, still she was doing her work.
The infection could spread to the other staff in the office .The office visits also indicates the risk of meeting people, they may spread infections. Indian politicians meet a lot of people, it is very surprising that they do not fall ill, since many of the them are not in good health.

The domain investor was very worried that she would also get the cold,so she drank a lot of green tea and took many pills to boost her immunity, She also did not do any stressful work intentionally, because stress levels reduce immunity. Getting a cold is very risky now at this age, since she takes a longer time to recover.

Panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro cannot provide proof of meeeting the goa 1989 jee topper, yet makes fake claims about her resume, savings

The professional company passportphotonow provides all the information on passport photos london.

Most people have the humanity and honesty not to falsely claim to be associated with a person they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME and have never interacted with or met.
yet indicating the widespread rot in panaji, goan society and government , the goa government is involved in a massive EDUCATIONAL, financial fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, FALSELY linking panaji greedy gsb housewife ruthless ROBBER riddhi nayak caro with her to deny the single woman engineer, the income and opportunities the engineer deserved and rob the correspondence of the engineer for eight years
Additionally riddhi nayak caro and others are also involved in a financial, educational fraud on the engineer falsely claiming to own the bank, paypal account, credit card of the engineer when actually robber riddhi does no computer work, did not study engineering and has not invested any money online
Any help to end the fraud of the goa government which is falsely associating call girls, robbers, and other frauds with the goa 1989 jee topper to deny the engineer, the income, opportunities she deserved will be appreciated.
when panaji housewife robber riddhi does not want to meet the engineer why is she falsely claiming to own the single woman’s bank account, credit card?

Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan’s threat of violence makes it difficult to meet people

In India, working in tech and internet sector is extremely risky because companies like google, tata are some of the greatest frauds and liars in the world, falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan call girls they supply to NTRO employees for sex like goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, a call girl are online experts, domain investors to get the call girls, great powers, monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED by the LIAR CHEATER PIMP google, tata employees since 2010.

Pampered and rewarded by fraud companies like google, tata, powerful sugar daddies in ntro like j srinivasan, puneet j ,Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan has become extremely arrogant and has threatened the engineer, domain investor whose identity she stole to get a monthly raw salary, that she will “bash up” if she will spot the engineer in a public place in panaji on March 28, 2019. While issuing the threat, it was obvious that the R&AW employee sunaina hated the engineer a lot and was willing to do anything to cause her harm.

So now the engineer will have to be very careful while meeting people, because Google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan or her associates may attack her without any provocation, because she hates the engineer. This also exposes the ruthlessness of the sundar pichai led google, when 9 years of criminal defamation, identity theft, banking fraud have failed, now google associates like sunaina chodan, are threatening physical violence against the harmless hardworking single woman engineer

Security and intelligence agency employees in goa, will never have the courage to meet the engineer they have defamed

Goa is one of the worst states in India for doing business because the many of the security and intelligence agencies are liars, who will shamelessly lie, spread false rumors if bribed to do so by fraud companies like google, tata.

The domain investor is a victim of a major real estate, banking and online fraud in goa since 2010, with liar raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her house, bank account, have her resume, savings to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor, engineer with the help of fraud intelligence and security agency employees

Hence the engineer is confident that the liar Security and intelligence agency employees in goa, will never have the courage to meet the engineer they have defamed , because they do not have the honesty and humanity to defend their endless lies defaming her for more than 9 years.

when engineers ex colleagues invite her home, why are fraud ntro employees who have not contacted her allowed to steal her identity

One of the greatest ironies of the indian government is how it has launched startup india and other programs with great fanfare, while the indian intelligence and security agencies are ruthless in stealing the identity of small business owners for google, tata sponsored call girls, robbers, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs, while holding the small business owner a virtual prisoner.

Despite the extremely vicious defamation, fraud of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, the ex colleagues of the domain investor, engineer still treat her with courtesy and have invited her home, while the fraud ntro employees parmar, parekh, nikhil, puneet, j srinivasan, vijay , patel, and their lazy fraud girlfriends who they got raw/cbi jobs like school dropout naina, call girls sunaina, siddhi, riddhi nayak, veena, deepika, ruchika,nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, and others are not on talking terms with the engineer.

The engineer has tried very hard to get a reply from nayanshree hathwar, ruchika, however both were ruthless frauds, and refused to reply to her after looting her. Earlier also most people treated the engineer with respect, only the fraud ntro employees, their girlfriends and associates like school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s lazy greedy fraud liar sons nikhil, karan do not treat the engineer with respect, they have openly indicated that they consider the engineer to be very low status. If the ntro employees really wanted to meet her, they could in 9 years , then why are using her resume,.

So the engineer would like to ask the state and central government, on what basis are R&AW/cbi falsely claiming that their sex worker, cheater housewife, school dropout, fraud, robber employees have her resume, savings when she has not interacted or met the ntro employees for more than 25 years, and in most cases, never in her life. Working in the indian internet sector is no longer lucrative for the engineer whose identity is stolen repeatedly

When they do not wish to meet the engineer, why are the fraud liar ntro employees interfering in the life of the engineer, why are they not using the real resume,savings of their real sex worker, cheater housewife, robber, school dropout girlfriends, who they have got raw/cbi jobs.

Fake panaji plant buyer on OLX insisting on meeting

OLX is becoming a very dangerous website, those responding to ads appear to be connected to criminal groups
For example in September one ms elina from panaji had responded to the ad, and said that she was interested in purchasing two plants. The domain investor had taken a lot of time to prepare the invoice and send it . The domain investor also wasted her time checking her phone daily, to find out if payment was made,
The invoice contained the home address, the domain investor did not get any payment, and the house was burgled and robbed

However there is no end to the frauds of ms elina, now she is responding to the same olx ad on, and asking for 5 plants. It clearly exposes how shameless panaji’s frauds are , that they think that their victim does not understand their criminal links and will believe their lies
This time, the domain investor decided to ignore the message of the panaji liar ms elina.

this exposes the main problem with panaji and goa’s liars and frauds, they think that the person who they have lied to , cheated will forget their lies and fraud, when in reality. those who are cheated or lied to to, do not forget and do not forgive

In goa, specifically panaji, no one is interested in working hard and making money, they only want to defame, cheat, lie, and exploit others to make quick money, and raw/cbi employees naina, sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak, siddhi are examples of this cheating tendency in goa. In mumbai most people are usually busy working hard to make money legally, they have no time to defame, cheat,, lie and exploit others , however in goa, no one is interested in doing any work they only want to cheat and exploit others, to make quick money

When google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina is meeting her boyfriend, why is tata, ntro falsely claiming that she is working on the computer

Many people in panaji, goa have noticed that google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan and her good looking boyfriend on dark grey scooter J8651 are inseparable for the last few months, they are spending most of their waking hours together , sunaina is usually meeting her boyfriend and enjoying herself.

yet in one of the greatest frauds of google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, these powerful fraud liar government employees continue with their great online fraud of falsely claiming that the call girl raw employee offering sex services is working on the computer, to give her great powers, and a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer who is actually spending her time on the computer

When google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina is meeting her boyfriend, why are google, tata, ntro, falsely claiming that she is working on tthe computer, defaming the identity theft victim and engineer who is actually spending her time