In massive FINANCIAL fraud, CBI cannot prove that its GREEDY LAZY employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro ever met the single woman domain investor who robber riddhi impersonates, robs

There is no connection at all between the google, tata sponsored cbi employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, solange and the single woman domain investor, who is an experienced engineer from a top college. Panaji robber housewife riddhi nayak caro, has never interacted with the engineer, the engineer does not know riddhi nayak caro’S CONTACT DETAILS, and she can also legally prove that there is no connection at all between the engineer and the various raw/cbi employees for the last ten years

while riddhi, her fraud powerful father nayak, husband caro and others in goa security agencies have criminally defamed the harmless single woman engineer in the worst manner, spreading false rumors, they have no proof against the engineer, to file any case under the IPC , so the engineer is not obliged to them in any way. The engineer is and was a harmless citizen, mostly at home.

The engineer also lived in mumbai for 21 years, the security agencies did not spread false rumors without any legally valid proof that she was involved in illegal activities like the LIAR goan security agencies led by nayak, caro, mandrekar , goan bhandari pritesh chodankar have done in the last 8 years

Yet in a massive FINANCIAL,TIME, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, cbi, ntro, raw, goan and indian government are falsely associating the GREEDY LAZY FRAUD cbi employee goan housewife robber riddhi nayak caro with harmless single woman investor to deny the domain investor, engineer the income and opportunities she deserved for the last 9 years

Since high status LIAR GREEDY R&AW/cbi employees do not want to meet domain investor, they hack her computers and make fake claims

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Advertising from ad network to pay domain renewal fees since government is paying goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, greedy gujju amita patel, sindhi scammer naina chand and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not pay for domain renewal only for FAKING domain ownership

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One of the biggest online financial, computer work fraud in india, is closely related to status and monthly raw/cbi salaries only for faking online expertise,online investment.
The indian and state government, especially goa government are refusing to acknowledge the domain investor because she is considered low status in goa, after being criminally defamed in the worst manner by high status liar government employees like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar.

The social status of a person depends to a large extent on the person they interact with, talk to, meet. Normally the only way a person will find out what another person is doing is by meeting the person talking to the person. The status conscious lazy greedy raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodanwill not even bother to talk to the domain investor since it will improve her social status, they will have to speak politely to find out what she is doing, or pay a large fee for the information.

So these fraud liar ntro/raw/cbi employees are hacking the computers of the domain investor, and then falsely claiming that they do the work, though bank details, income tax returns will prove that the raw/cbi employees are LIARS. The indian and state government are so incompetent, that they only rely on social status

These shameless raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan and her sons, nikhil, karan, are relying on their high social status to cover up their financial fraud.

Mom’s Bathroom Was Redone Perfectly

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My mom has pretty bad arthritis. She is able to get around fairly well for how severe it is. That makes me happy because she is so independent, and I know it would bother her if she was restricted more than she already is. That is one of the reasons she asked me to find a quality carpenter in Bristol. When I asked her what she needed one for, she said she needed a new bathroom. I agreed with her instantly because that is the one room in her house where she has the most trouble.

There is no separate shower stall. In order to get showered, she has to step over the bathtub edge to get in the tub. She installed some handicap rails herself, but it was still painful for her to step over the tall edge. She told me she wanted the tub removed completely. She was on the fence about whether to get a shower stall or one of those tubs where she can walk right into it and sit on a bench in it. I had a feeling she would really enjoy that since it had been years since she’s been able to lower herself into the tub.

The carpenter that she hired showed her how it would look both ways. She ended up going with the walk in tub, and he also did much more for her. He enlarged the bathroom area so her laundry machines could be in there too. That way, she would not need to go up and down the steps to do her laundry. He even built her some sturdy shelves to hold her linens. We got a great man when she hired this carpenter, and he later told me that he treated her the same way he would his own mom!

panaji gujju SEX QUEEN school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, goes for meeting in maroon saree in red maruti vitara brezza car

Indicating the widespread rot in goan society and government SHAMELESS LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji gujju SEX QUEEN school dropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and offers SEX SERVICES to top raw/ntro employees like tushar parekh, nikhil sha, parmar are considered high status and invited to many meetings, while hardworking experienced women engineer, domain investors are CRIMINALLY DEFAMED in the worst possible manner, by the sex addict nikhil sha, google, tata PIMPS promoting the panaji sex service provider naina chandan

usually panaji’s sex queen is at home between 5 pm and 6 pm daily, on 28 january, 2020 at around 5 pm panaji sex queen cbi employee naina chandan left her home dressed in a new maroon saree with a silver/gold border for a meeting in a red maruti vitara brezza car
the shameless gujju LIAR FRAUD SEX QUEEN naina chandan also falsely pretended that she was speaking to the woman passing in front of her, FAKING her relation like her fraud sugar daddies mhow cheater puneet, nikhil sha, parmar, parekh . In reality the SHAMELESS gujju sex service provider naina chandan had CRIMINALLY defamed the woman who was passing by as being mentally unsound earlier, her family had complained about the woman, are involved in a real estate fraud on the woman and has never spoken to the woman for many months
The panaji gujju sex queen was probably invited to a haldi kumkum (do the other women in goa, know about her powerful lovers) or to offer sex services to powerful men

So though the shameless fraud gujju officials like nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh are duping people, companies and countries that naina chandan, the gujju sex queen is a domain investor and experienced engineer, people should be aware that the gujju housewife naina chandan who wore a maroon and silver/gold border, driving a red maruti vitara brezza car on 28 jan 2020 in panaji, is only a gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX service provider with the most powerful men in india as her lovers, she does not own or control any domain, and no engineering college would admit the panaji gujju sex queen
This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people are aware that cbi employee naina chandan, does not pay for, own or control any domain, though the goa government, cbi is making fake claims

Dressed in red, BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji’s gujju SEX queen cbi employe SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan goes for meeting with her lazy fraud son karan

Though it can be legally proved that BANKING FRAUDSTER panaji’s gujju SEX queen cbi employee SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh has got the cbi job only for having SEX with the fraud R&AW employee tushar parekh, parmar, panaji’s LIAR FRAUD BRIBE TAKING intelligence and security agencies continue to dupe people companies and countries worldwide that panaji’s SEX QUEEN naina chandan, who never invested any money in domain names is a domain investor, and online expert owning the domains where her SEX NEWS is published
Due to google, tata support for ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD , panaji’s SEX QUEEN naina chandan has plenty of money to purchase new clothes, since she does not have to spend any money on domains, the indian government blindly believes the lies of tushar parekh, parmar and the other powerful men having sex with naina .
So on 3rd january 2019 at around 5.45 pm , panaji’s SEX QUEEN wore a new long red dress with checks, on white leggings and went for a meeeting with her lazy liar fraud son karan, in his red maruti vitara brezza car . her fraud son was wearing a white tshirt with some cartoon or message on it

Due to the high level of financial fraud in goa, no one has the courage, honesty and humanity to question the panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan on her BANKING, CREDIT CARD, DOMAIN FRAUD , everyone believes her lies

Since people will not meet those who issue death threats, raw employee sunaina chodan’s sister is using dog walking to issue death threats in panaji,goa


In panaji, goa, young goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan’s sister has perfected the art of using dogs to block people and issue death threats.

Usually it is difficult to meet a person and issue death threats, the phone call will be disconnected, a person will not let anyone hostile enter their house and they will also not go for any meeting if they suspect that the person is hostile

So sunaina’s sister is loitering on the road in panaji, goa, pretending to take the dog for a walk, while she is actually waiting to block the path and issue death threats to the domain investor who she hates
When sunaina’s hysterical sister spots the domain investor, she uses her dog to block the road, and then issues threats.
On 7 december 2019, R&AW employee sunaina’s sister was about to physically assault the domain investor, the domain investor told her that if she tried to even touch her, she would file a police complaint. She was also not letting the domain investor go away using her dog. Finally after ranting and issuing a death threat, the hysterical dog owner allowed the domain investor to leave

the domain investor is a peace loving citizen who does not harm or threaten anyone, yet the goa security agencies are falsely labelling the domain investor a security threat for the last 10 years to deny her fundamental rights, rob her correspondence. On the other hand, raw employee sunaina, and her sister are issuing death and violence threats repeatedly in panaji, goa against the domain investor , yet no action is taken against them at all.

I Just Made a Weird Video

Of course I have been working in Singapore video production for a couple of years, even while in my last year at college. At any rate I did all sorts of things about local businesses, mostly how they were trying to convince another business that they could do awesome things for them if they only got a chance to show it. At any rate someone must have known someone who knew me, because I sort of got hired sight unseen to do this really baffling video for a girl band. I do not even claim to know a thing about this sort of thing, but it is my considered opinion that all of these girls were pretty terrible at singing. Continue reading “I Just Made a Weird Video”

Interested in Mobile App Development?

Did you know that there are 5 million apps plus available to download on phones/tablets? Who do you think creates these apps? They don’t make themselves. Creative applications that are developed for mobile phones are created by mobile app developer s. Are you considering a career in Mobile app development but not sure what that entails, or what the specifics of the job would be? Or you are leery of how successful one might be in that career field? The truth is a career in this field would be very successful for many reasons which we will discuss, and with the right education and interest one could do very well.

Let’s get into why this would be a good field, and successful. First let me ask you about your personal phone use. How many applications on a phone do you use in a day? Think about it. Now think about this statistic, 4375 apps are released on the Google play store a day. Continue reading “Interested in Mobile App Development?”

Wasting Time and Missing Money from the Cafe

Working as a waitress was tough, Long hours and long days with little pay in tips. I thought it was the worst job in the cafe but I never realized how much cafe accountants do until I had a chat with one. Managing the money, projections, and doing reports for the cafe seems like a big task. I knew it was important, but I didn’t know how tough it was as well.

After a long shift, it was time for me to leave the cafe. My ride was on his way so I sat in the office with Carl, the cafe accountant. I never really had long chats with him so I figured why not. I asked what he was doing and he said he was trying to figure out where five thousand dollars went in a report he was given by the manager. I was shocked that that much money was gone. He told me it was normal for that money to be missing in the report, it was his job to figure out where it went and if it was spent wisely or not. Then he told me “It’s usually well spent. Continue reading “Wasting Time and Missing Money from the Cafe”

Mhow monster ntro employee puneet did not allow anyone meet, speak to the engineer he hated, so that he could defame her, get raw/cbi jobs for his CALL GIRL SUGAR BABIES

Anyone speaking to the engineer, domain investor realizes that she is well educated, since she speaks fluent english, on a wide range of topics

So to steal her identity and get raw/cbi salaries for the google,tata supplied SEX service providers, their relatives and other bribe givers, the google, tata, ntro employees led by the cunning LIAR mhow cheater puneet, started defaming her as an uneducated person, based only on her appearance, and lack of vehicle, ensuring that she does not meet or talk to anyone who is educated in goa
FAKING HELP, RELATIONSHIP the mhow monster ntro employee puneet isolated the engineer,ROBBING almost all her correspondence so that he could defame her as an uneducated person and get raw/cbi salaries for his SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, ROBBER, CHEATER SUGAR BABIES siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan without doing any work, without investing any money online, while defaming the engineer as an uneducated fool, involved in illegal activities

So when the FRAUD LIAR goan intelligence and security agencies went to the bank to block the payment to the domain investor who they criminally defamed for 10 years as an uneducated person, the bank staff who had interacted with her, told them that it was a legitimate business and gave the bank statement for verification, so that these fraud officials could find proof

On the other hand, though the goan and indian government is aggressively promoting the kolhapur born gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, as an experienced engineer, anyone meeting and speaking to the gujju sex queen naina will realize that she is not educated, since she cannot even speak fluent english, and for everyone question, naina will tell the person to her bespectacled balding husband, since he controls all aspects of her life

So the only services which the gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan can get paid for, are housekeeping, wiping the floor, or sex services, and instead of being honest that naina is getting paid for her sex services, the indian government is falsely claiming that the sex service provider is an experienced engineer from a top college